Gone West
Terra Meera is one of the Gone West “Plant and Protect” projects, the first one in Croatia. Gone West is a tree planting company, looking to drive social change around the world.
Together we are working on creating an orchard on this land, the likes of which our region has not seen for a long time. The mission behind the 'Plant and Protect' sites is to revive both the natural and human history of the area.
Together we are stronger and everyone is welcome to get involved. More news to come very soon.
Shakti Leadership Course with Nilima Bhat
Nilima Bhat and Irena Ateljevic (Terra Meera founder) are both hosting this teaching in residence course for women's leadership.
Nilima Bhat is a visionary, autor, speaker, facilitator and coach in the fields of Personal Mastery, Leadership, Gender Equality and Wellbeing. Her extensive and pioneering body of work is encompassed in her two books, Shakti Leadership – Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power in Business and My Cancer Is Me – The Journey from Illness to Wholeness.
SLV Peace and Positive Psychology Program
Terra Meera is a part of the SLV Peace and Positive Psychology Program.
Auroville International
Terra Meera represents Auroville International (AVI), a worldwide network aiming at the support of the development of Auroville,an international township based in South India. We also collaborate with the Auroville Research Platform
Terra Meera is a member of the Community Seed Bank, run by ZMAG, Croatia (Green Network of Activist Groups)